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Navitas welcomes you to our friendly, global community of colleagues who are dedicated to providing life-changing opportunities for students from all over the world.

We are excited about getting to know you, understanding your students and finding opportunities to help you grow. Our first priority is ensuring that the transition of ownership is as smooth as possible for you, your colleagues and your students.

We’ve set up this page to give you a bit more information about Navitas and the kind of company we are, and to answer any questions you may have.


Photo of Bev Hudson

Bev Hudson

CEO University Partnerships Australasia
Photo of Morwenna Shahani

Morwenna Shahani

EGM University Partnerships Australasia

Who we are

You are joining a global community of colleagues absolutely dedicated to providing life-changing opportunities for students from all over the world.

Want to find out more?

In the coming weeks we will be visiting your college to introduce ourselves, share more information about who Navitas is, and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, please read our Frequently Asked Questions below or reach out to us at

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Frequently asked questions

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General questions

Why did Navitas acquire Taylors College Sydney and University of Waikato College?

The two colleges we have acquired complement our existing network of colleges and campuses in Australia and New Zealand and extend the breadth and depth of programs we can offer to prospective students from around the world. Taylors College Auckland will continue to be operated by Study Group.

We are passionate about increasing access to education and working with our staff and university partners to help students overcome barriers and achieve their academic aspirations.

What experience does Navitas have in delivering pathway programs?

University partnerships are part of our DNA at Navitas, having developed the first university pathway program in 1994 in Perth, Western Australia. Today, we partner with 34 universities globally, including across Australia and New Zealand, to help them grow strong and diverse student populations.

Will the entities that operate or support Taylors College Sydney and University of Waikato College change?

No. The Study Group entities that operate or support Taylors College Sydney and University of Waikato College have been acquired by Navitas and will not change, other than that their names will change from Study Group Australia Pty Limited to Navitas Australia Pty Limited and from Study Group NZ Limited to Navitas NZ Limited.

What should I do if I'm contacted by the media?

If you receive any phone enquiries relating to your college or Navitas, please take the journalist’s details and forward to our Navitas communications team at Please advise that you are not authorised to comment but will refer the enquiry. If you receive a request by email, social media or app, please do not comment or respond – simply forward to Over the coming months we will share the Navitas Media and Speaking Policy.

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Working at Navitas

What does the announcement mean for me?

Taylors College Sydney and University of Waikato College now form part of Navitas. It will be business as usual for staff at both colleges, and your pay, work schedule, and other terms and conditions will continue without change. Over time, there may be some changes as we work to integrate Navitas systems, processes and policies. We will keep you informed and consult with staff throughout this period.

We know that consultation has begun with staff at Taylors College Sydney on Enterprise Agreements, and with staff at University of Waikato College on Collective Agreements, and we look forward to engaging in these discussions.

Will we continue working from the same locations?

Yes. All college-based staff will continue working from existing locations. As Navitas has acquired the entities that operate the colleges, the lease of these locations will continue as usual.

We will consult separately with staff who are moving into functional roles at Navitas to discuss their working arrangements.

When will we meet people from Navitas?

We really look forward to introducing you to Navitas colleagues in the first month, getting to know you and answering your questions. We will be working with your leaders to find times and days that work best for you.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact

Will we be moving onto Navitas systems (eg IT, admissions, HR etc)?

There will be no immediate changes to ways of working at the colleges. We have a transition plan in place and will be gradually integrating new systems, processes and policies over the coming months. Our focus is on minimising disruption to you, your students and your partners during this time.

Can I continue to keep the same working arrangements that I currently have in place (eg flexible and work from home arrangements)?

Yes, current flexible working arrangements will continue for the time being. In due course, we will review all Study Group policies, including those relating to flexible working, to ensure alignment to our Navitas policies.

We appreciate the importance of flexible working arrangements and have a Flexible Working Arrangements Policy which we look forward to sharing with you.

Will there be any change to the way I’m paid?

For now, you will continue to be paid on the same day by Study Group. Over time we will transition to the Navitas payroll system and process and we will let you know of any changes in advance.

Will we have new reporting lines?

For college-based staff, there will be no change to your reporting lines. Staff moving into functional roles at Navitas will be advised of their reporting lines.

Who is responsible for our colleges in Navitas?

The colleges form part of the University Pathways Australasia (UPA) division, led by divisional CEO Bev Hudson. They sit within the UPA portfolio managed by Executive General Manager, Morwenna Shahani.

However, colleges will continue to be managed on a day-to-day basis by the College Directors.

Do we have access to Employee Assistance?

We are very pleased to advise that you and your immediate family members now have free, 24/hr access to our Employee Assistance provider, TELUS Health (formerly Lifeworks).

For anybody currently receiving support through AccessEAP, you may continue accessing support for this matter for a period of up to six months.  For any new concerns please use the TELUS Health contact details below. You are eligible for up to six sessions with TELUS Health on each presenting matter.

Contact details for TELUS Health are:

Australia: 1300 361 008
New Zealand: 0800 155 318

Can I keep my email address?

There will be no change for now. Over the coming months, staff with a email address will transfer to a email address. For staff using an email address provided by their University Partner, there will be no change at this time.

Will my personal information be protected in the transition?

Please rest assured that Navitas takes protection of our staff personal information seriously, and our HR and IT teams are working closely with specialist privacy teams through the transition.

Will I have access to the Navitas intranet?

You will receive access to the Navitas intranet shortly, along with instructions for logging in. The intranet is a great resource that includes news from our colleges and offices around the globe, more detailed information about who we are, and access to initiatives such as the annual Navitas Inspire Awards, which recognise and reward individuals and teams globally.


Will existing staff at Taylors College Sydney and University of Waikato College receive new offers of employment from Navitas?  

The Study Group entities that operate or support Taylors College Sydney and University of Waikato College have been acquired by Navitas and will not change, other than that their names will change from Study Group Australia Pty Limited to Navitas Australia Pty Limited and from Study Group NZ Limited to Navitas NZ Limited.  As such, there is no need to issue offers of employment.  Terms and conditions will continue without change for now, however over time there may be some changes as we work to integrate Navitas systems, processes and policies.  We will keep you informed and consult with staff throughout this period.

Supporting current and new students

What does the announcement mean for my students?

For your students it means almost no change – they will continue to study at the college, will be taught by the same teachers and the programs will continue to be recognised as qualification for admission to degree level study by the university partner.

We are working closely with college leaders to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible.

Will there be changes to how we recruit students?

As we integrate these colleges into Navitas, we will be onboarding new student recruitment teams for each college to work alongside the marketing and admissions teams.

These teams will be based on campus (and in some instances, in-market) and will work closely with the wider college teams, your university partner and the global Navitas sales and marketing team who are located across more than 20 countries.

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